Huhuhu.. Actually this problem can be found any where..
Either guy or girl, both have this problem and sometimes it is hard for them to realize that they are dealing with this problem. Let me share some informations about this disaster...
Are you ready??
What is bad breath?
Bad breath sometimes called halitosis which mean that unpleasant odour of the breath. The smell sometimes makes you need to stop breathing if you need to talk to a person who have this problem. huh huh huh.. Try to breath back.. heee.. Actually if you realize that bad breath likely to be experienced by most adults. Yah, I realize that. And baby have the best breath I think.. Oh my, bad breath can have a significant impact in a person's social and professional life. This is a disaster if you have this problem especially if you need to have face to face conversation with people around you. In facebook? I dont think bad breath can ruin your life..
Possible causes of bad breath..
- Gum disease or gum bleeding, tooth decay, fermentation of food particles in mouth.
- Inadequate protein in digestion and improper diet also can get us into this problem.. So watch what you eat guys.
-For smoker, you have high potential to have this problems, check it fast..
How to overcome it???? How!!! Like this.. Read carefully ok..
1. Brush ur teeth 2 times minimum perday..
2. Floss my dear after you eat or rinse your mouth, believe me it help a lot.
3. If possible, have mouth spray in your pocket and remember to use it wisely.
4. And sometimes, Nutrition is the best way to help you...
Types of nutrition and their benefits:
1. Garlic: Natural antibiotic which can help to destroy foreign bacteria in mouth
2. Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids: Help to heal gum disease and preventing bleeding gums. It also can help rids excess mucus and toxin in body which can cause bad breath..
3. B Complex: Needed for proper digestion.
Give a try.. Trust me, its work because I also practising what i write.. People say, sharing is caring.. Hehe.. And if u wanna know more about the nutrition, I can explain to you more about it..
Let have fresh breath and shining teeth..
Last but not lease, smoker...
Please stop smoking for your own good..

Its painful my dear..
Better prevent it before its too late..
Just rinse.. Do not drink the liquid.. hehe
I use this mouth spray..
Its nice.. And delicious..
Vitamin C..
Im sure you love it too..
OMG, im sure most of us hate it..
interesting..keep it up..hehe =)
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